

Biomedisa is developed by:
Philipp Lösel, The Australian National University, Australia

The development has been supported by the following contributors:
Matthias Fabian, Biomedisa Label: A 3D slicer extension for AI-assisted interactive segmentation of biological and medical images
Jacob Relle, AI-based cropping feature, Heidelberg University, Germany
Alejandra Jayme, Amira Mesh reader/writer & webpage, Heidelberg University, Germany
Olaf Pichler, installation script for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Heidelberg University, Germany
Nicholas Tan Jerome, web-based visualization platform, KIT, Germany


This website is being published by The Australian National University Research School of Physics / Department of Materials Physics

60 Mills Rd
Acton ACT 2601, Australia
Tel. +61 2612 57583
philipp.loesel <_at_>


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